Monday, April 01, 2013

Speakers urgently required for research project to debunk Mehrabain fallacy

I'm working with a Swedish academic, Professor Olof Lirpa, who is putting forward the opposite theory to the Mehrabian fallacy. Professor Lirpa maintains that 93% of communication is words, and is seeking volunteer speakers to help him test the theory. He's setting up a series of TOD talks (Totally Oral Delivery), where the speaker will either be in darkness, behind a screen, or facing an audience with their backs towards them. He's also trying out different accents and pitches.

So if you're interested (no fee, but you will aid useful research), and you can speak in different accents, or in high-pitched or basso profundo tone, Professor Lirpa would love to hear from you. His need is urgent, so contact me by the end of today, and I will put you in touch. Many thanks.

1 comment:

Richard McCann said...

iCant believe i fell for this!!!!!!