Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The seven X Factors of social media

You may not be Matt or Rebecca (or even One DIrection), but you can get the X Factor from your social media activities. Here are a few ideas.

1) eXperiment. Try things out. Look at new social networks, and software tools. Not everything will work, or will suit you, but if you don't try it you will never know.

2) eXcite. Delight your followers and friends with your comments, insights and advice. Let your enthusiasm show through, and it will become infectious.

3) eXpertise. You have a unique set of skills which you can use to help people and demonstrate how you can help others.

4) eXtraordinary. Think what you can post online that will amaze people. That's your comments, not simply links to other's content.

5) eXplain. Answer people's questions and offer to show how to do things that you understand well.

6) eXpand. Increase the size of your network by organic growth, not software robots. Social media is about personal contact.

7) eXpext. Don't expect anything in return for what you give. But do expect to enjoy and benefit from your investment in social media.

I wonder if Simon Cowell knows that?

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